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Lotto Winners 19 March 2019
You Could Become A Millionaire
Learn about a man who won the lottery three times in 17 months

It all began in March 2017 when an instant Scratch win on Thrilling Crossword made Paul richer by $250,000 or INR 1,76, 03, 750. Come August 2018, lady luck shined again, helping Paul claim two hefty prizes within two weeks in two 2nd Chance wins. On August 14, he claimed $500,000 or INR 3,52,07,500 and on August 28 another $250,000 or INR 1,76, 03, 750 came his way. The coincidences were unprecedented even for Paul who was initially short of words when scribes asked him about his exceptional lottery luck.
However, Paul controlled his emotions and said, “If you’re not playing 2nd Chance, you’re missing out. It cuts your odds of winning the Top Prize by about half.” His comment sums up the story, giving lottery enthusiasts some food for the thought. Self admittedly, Paul has always been a lottery enthusiast who goes at length to stay on top of game info – from the latest scratch tickets to variance in game pulses to top prizes available. Presumably, the luckiest man in Colorado, Paul is still upbeat about buying tickets to further his winning streak.
The desirable traits of a millionaire:
Whether or not the millionaire status will change Paul’s habits is a largely inconsequential issue for you. What matters to you is the habits that a millionaire should cultivate to stay progressive, and we are here to elaborate. After all, your progress is vital to us.
♦ Earn to Invest:
With loads of money at disposal, the itch to spend exorbitantly often comes by default. It’s a common sight - people splurging the newly found wealth on scratch ticketsbuying luxurious homes, fancy cars, and other belongings that go well with their newly acquired status. However, this earn-to-spend mindset is potentially dangerous for a progressive millionaire, taking a heavy toll of his money. Instead, an earn-to-invest mindset may serve him better, helping him diversify his investment portfolio and build on the acquired wealth for life-long financial independence.
♦ Be generous:
The world gives to the givers and takes from the takers, they say. As such, generosity is relevant for everyone, but more so for millionaires. They have plenty of money and if a part of it goes back to the society, their financial position is not impacted much. As a millionaire, choose a cause that you feel strongly about and support it with time and funds. Also, monitor that your funds are utilized properly and the benefit reaches the intended recipient.
♦ Stay focused:
Money can be a major deterrent to your focus. With your financial independence secured, you may tend to be scattered in your efforts and interests. This translates into inefficiency and lack of inclination for things that helped you carve out a niche for yourself and eventually leading o your undoing. As undesirable as the situation may evolve into, you have to work on keeping your focus intact. With self-motivation being crucial, find reasons to work not to indulge.
♦ Take risks:
It is probably the risk-taking ability that helped you flourish. Doing away with it upon amassing fortunes does not make sense. However, this does not imply that you risk all your resources. Rather, we make a case for taking calculated risks with a pre-defined amount of money.
» Read all stories from AnushkaA fresh graduate, Anushka is the newest member to join as a content writer with the Lottoland Asia team. Armed with a BA in English literature, she loves books, music, travelling, spending time with friends and sports. Her mother’s fondness for playing the lottery line rubbed onto her! Her inherent talent for writing was first noticed when she was in the 7th standard, and since then she has written extensively on several topics. Today, her team members can depend on her encyclopaedic memory for all kinds of trivia.